The next unique component I want to point out revolves around this theme:
The Greatest Savior.
Imagine that millions of people were dying from a deadly disease. It was a disease of the blood. No one had good blood to counteract the bad blood, so everyone continued to die. Then a man came into town whose blood was healthy. He offered blood transfusions to anyone who wanted one. Some said he was a fool and doubted that he could really help them. Others called him a liar. But you and I believed he spoke the truth. We took his blood and were healed of the disease. That’s basically what the greatest savior did for you. I’m referring to Jesus Christ over here.
Yes, I’m repeating the greatest gift which I talked about last week but this time, with more details.
So after saying in a layman form what Jesus Christ did for you? Who actually is Jesus Christ and more importantly, who is Jesus Christ in your life?
Let’s take a look at Philippians 2:5-11
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
In short, what this passage is trying to say is that, Jesus Christ is God and for the sake of mankind, he became man in order to die for us and cleanse us from our sins. Thus, let’s take a look at another passage which will answer my second question of this article; who is Jesus Christ in your life?
Colossians 1:10-12
And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
Let me summarize this. Now that Jesus Christ died for our sins, we are then required to lead a life holy and blameless before God. That’s exactly what this passage is saying.
So yup, that’s all for today and since Christmas is round the corner, here’s a carol titled, “what child is this” till then, bye!
search it!

The greatest father
Let’s start of. The first unique point I want to talk about is God being the greatest father! What’s so great about that? Can you imagine the awesome creator of the universe as your father? I mean, he actually has a very close and personal relationship with you!
And before you are start giving thoughts to things like, oh my, it’s another dad who scolds the shit out of me or maybe if you grew up in a bad family, you probably think he might just be another non-caring dad. I’m telling you here, this greatest father I’m talking about is an ideal father and that is God himself.
In the bible passage, Matthew 7:11 it says that If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
And here’s another amazing fact. Long ago, even before God made the world, he already chose you to be His very own through what Christ would do for you; He decided then to make you holy in His eyes, without a single fault. And now, you stand before Him covered with His love.
Here’s what Ephesians 1:4-5 says.
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
And thus concludes one of the factors for the week, the greatest father. And tomorrow, we’ll be going through something rather similar, the greatest savior!
Before I end of, here’s a video on the creation.
Alright, here we are at the final gift which is also the greatest gift. But well, before I start, let’s enjoy some comics first which will pose as a prologue to the greatest gift I will be talking about. Special thanks to

You guessed it right, the greatest gift here I’m talking about is eternal life, given by the Lord Jesus Christ of course.
Here’s the full account on what actually happened and why we need this gift of eternal life.
On the day when God created man, man and God actually had a good relation but then this only lasted until the day when man sinned against God. This sin which man has committed caused a separation, a void in the relation between man and God.
And due to this sin, man is destined for eternal death. In other words, we’re definitely heading for hell after we die. And hell is no joke. It is a place of eternal loneliness and fire. A place where I suppose no one wants to go to. I mean, treat hell as the worst prison on earth. I bet you don’t even want to go there and the truth is, hell is so much worse then the worst prison on earth. So back to the point, we were headed for eternal death and punishment but God had an alternative plan for us…
He sent his son down, Jesus to die for the sins of mankind. Jesus is able to do that because he is God. And being God, a far more superior being then us, he is able to cleanse our sins with his blood. Make sense doesn’t it?
Just place this scenario in your mind. Imagine you created something, say a pot. That makes you a potter right? So now, suppose you created a few pots and somehow or rather, all the pots start to have cracks on their surface. Who is the one who is able to amend these cracks? Is it you, the potter or the pot itself? The answer is obvious and that just proved my point. God is the creator, we are the created, so that makes full sense why he’s able to save us and not us save us.
Alright, that was a bit of sidetrack so back to where I was. And thus, the greatest gift, the Lord Jesus. Because of his death on the cross and his shedding of blood, we are now able to have eternal life as long as we place our faith in him.
From a state where we are bound to die to a state where we will now have eternal life, this is a gift. A state where we are to enter the eternal pits of fire to a state where now are able to enter the kingdom of heaven, that is a gift.
In fact, that’s the whole purpose of Christmas. To act as a reminder, that 2000 years back, a savior was born to mankind, Jesus Christ and that itself is the greatest gift to you and I.
That’s the 7th gift, a gift from God.
We are almost coming to an end now so before I start on today’s main point let’s do some recap.
1. the fruit of the spirit
2. the gift of a listening ear
3. the gift of asking and answering
4. the gift of a written note
5. the gift of solitude
And here we are today the sixth gift,
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone. Really, it’s not that difficult to say, “Hello”, “Thank you” or even “You’re Welcome” to someone.
This sounds familiar doesn’t it? Remember, back when we were young kids, 7years old, 8 years old; this was the phrase our parents usually tell us. Or even the books we read.

But somehow, as the years go by, ten years later, thirty years down the road, we forgotten all about it. We forgot how to extend A kind word to someone who should have it. It’s just A kind word. I’m not asking for 2, 3 or more. I’m just asking for A, ONE kind word.
And in fact, this ‘loss of memory’ is caused by our habit. Had we really took in our parent’s teaching and act it out since we were 8 all the way till where we are now, we wouldn’t have forgotten how to say “thank you” when required. Furthermore, as we grow up, so did our pride and ego but sometimes, we really have to put that down and extend A kind word to that someone who helped us. It’s doesn’t make you look poor or stupid so just put down your pride and ego for that moment, no worries.
And today, I’m not just talking to you about extending kind words to people. The second point I’m going to tell you is that by doing this honestly, you are going to feel good.
I can’t really explain this point but just try it out and you will understand what I mean. When someone says thanks to you, try saying you’re welcome. It’s going to change the way you feel last time when you kept silent.
Just a ‘thank you’.