We are almost coming to an end now so before I start on today’s main point let’s do some recap.
1. the fruit of the spirit
2. the gift of a listening ear
3. the gift of asking and answering
4. the gift of a written note
5. the gift of solitude
And here we are today the sixth gift,
the gift of cheerful disposition.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone. Really, it’s not that difficult to say, “Hello”, “Thank you” or even “You’re Welcome” to someone.
This sounds familiar doesn’t it? Remember, back when we were young kids, 7years old, 8 years old; this was the phrase our parents usually tell us. Or even the books we read.

But somehow, as the years go by, ten years later, thirty years down the road, we forgotten all about it. We forgot how to extend A kind word to someone who should have it. It’s just A kind word. I’m not asking for 2, 3 or more. I’m just asking for A, ONE kind word.
And in fact, this ‘loss of memory’ is caused by our habit. Had we really took in our parent’s teaching and act it out since we were 8 all the way till where we are now, we wouldn’t have forgotten how to say “thank you” when required. Furthermore, as we grow up, so did our pride and ego but sometimes, we really have to put that down and extend A kind word to that someone who helped us. It’s doesn’t make you look poor or stupid so just put down your pride and ego for that moment, no worries.
And today, I’m not just talking to you about extending kind words to people. The second point I’m going to tell you is that by doing this honestly, you are going to feel good.
I can’t really explain this point but just try it out and you will understand what I mean. When someone says thanks to you, try saying you’re welcome. It’s going to change the way you feel last time when you kept silent.
Just a ‘thank you’.
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