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Questions any? The gift of asking and answering.

1:33 PM / Posted by Lloyd /

Questions any? The gift of asking and answering.
So like I mentioned yesterday, today’s gift is somehow related to the gift of listening. And for yesterday it was mainly being a listening ear to people who need it. However, today, we are going to go into a step further, being a listening ear, watchful pair of eyes for others when they want it.

Have you ever felt, totally discouraged before? In a sense you actually got top 10 in your school for a certain exam and here comes your parents instead of saying, “well done son!” said things like, “why didn’t you win Thomas?” or maybe, in another sense, you went an extra mile for a friend yet instead of him/her thanking you, he/she just said nothing or worse, don’t appreciate it at all.

Today, we will be talking on the gift of asking and answering. A&A. I believe that if we force ourselves to do it, this gift of A&A will sooner or later be part of us. Here, I am not teaching you on how to respond to such acts but rather, I will be telling you how YOU can avoid being like these in the future, or even taking it as a reminder if you already aren’t such kind of people.
So how does A&A help? The first A, Asking, is a way to show concern for others and I mean, who doesn’t want concern. You could be a parent already, a teacher, a student like me, or even a very good friend to someone. ASK. Ask how their day was? When eating with them, ASK if they would like some serving from your dish (before you start on it that is). When you see a big smile on their face, ASK what made their day. But of course, don’t ask for the sake of asking. Ask for the sake of concern.

The next A, answering, refers to answering to comments and not question. And of course, always give the right answer and not the wrong one. Taking the example I made earlier on, the one in which a kid gets top 10 in a certain school examination and got a bad remark from his parents instead of a good one. This example clearly shows that this kid parents have forgotten to answer correctly. And well, you and I should also avoid on doing such things. Say, when a friend gets some pretty good achievement, never go up to him/her and spoil his/her day. Instead say something nice, make his/her day even brighter. So if you got no “answer”, don’t make one. Don’t go around spoiling the days of others.

I believe this quote will be familiar but just a reminder for all. If you got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Or at the very least, think before you give your answer to a comment.


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PSALMS 121:1-2

I life up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from?My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.